Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
Shetland Stallone 2 Anni 105 cm Leopard in Misselwarden
+16 Immagini

wünderschöne (Jung-) Hengst Truppe, Classic Pony, Partbred-,Shetl

Tipo di inserzione: Cavallo in vendita
ID dell'annuncio: 4120497
Data di pubblicazione: 03.07.2024
Annunci chiamata: 1465
Annuncio annotato: 5
1.200 €
1.200 € Trattabile
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27639 Wurster Nordseeküste
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Isole britanniche sono ospite a varie, ben noto in tutto le razze del mondo e popolare pony. Il più piccolo di loro è il pony Shetland, che si è sviluppato sulle isole Shetland, nord della Scozia. Sua crescita più piccolo è il risultato di anni di condizioni di vita difficile e dura. La gara, ora v ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed Shetland
2 Anni
105 cm
Zuchtverband für deutsche Pferde
Con licenza
Cavallo da compagnia
Non domato
Direttamente dall’allevatore
Passaporto equino disponibile


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charmante junge Hengste im Alter von 0,6 bis 4jährigen (die meisten sind 2 jährig), sowie ein gekörter 14jähriger Smoky Black Hengst.
Pr. Hengst Willow vom Olendiek, HB 1, HLP mit 8,08
100cm Stkm bei Körung, Farbe Smoky Black, geb. 2010
auf Grund von Nachzucht zu verkaufen, rein Shetland Pony/Partbred Shetlandpony gezogen, evtl auch für Classic Pony Zucht interessant da kein Silber Gen. Willow hat Papiere vom Ponyverband Hannover, ist dort gekört und im HB 1 eingetragen.

4jähriger dt. Partbred Shetlandpony Hengst in der Farbe braunwindfarben, evtl Falbe.
aus zeitmangel noch komplett roh, Fohlen ABC kennt er, (Führen, Hufe, tägl. Umgang ist kein Problem) steht im Original Typ, sehr ruhiger, freundlicher Charakter, brav im Umgang, Stkm. ca 100cm. 

3,  2jährige Tigerhengste, rein Partbred/ Shetlandpony gezogen (ohne Welsh Blut)
a) Finnick, Fuchs-schabrack-tiger, aktuell 105cm
b) Feivel, Fuchs- Volltiger, aktuell ca 102 cm stkm, evtl interessant für die Körung
C) Watson, braun-volltiger, viel Bewegung, aktuell ca 100cm

2jähriger Dt.Partbred Shetl. Rappe (vermutlich smoky black) wäre optisch ein Passer zu Willow v. Olendiek (Opa) fürs Fahren.

2jähriger KDP Palomino, ca 101cm aktuell.(Vater Willow v Olendiek x Welsh A)

1jähriger KDP Fuchs, Endmaß um 100cm, (Vater; Willi Weitblick x Welsh A)

7. Dt Classic Pony, Rapptiger wird Schimmel, Hengstfohlen, Endmaß über 1Meter, Papiere v. Ponyverband Hannover. Sehr anhänglich und brav im Umgang, läßt sich brav führen.

Die Junghengste sind alle noch komplett roh, stehen in einer Herde, kennen Offenstall und Weidehaltung, durch das gemischte Alter in der Herde lernen sie Rangordnung und soziale Kontakte, die älteren erziehen die jüngeren. Sie lernen sich schnell anzupassen und lernen auch sehr schnell den täglichen Umgang.
Die jüngeren Hengste bei denen nichts weiter steht, haben Papiere vom ZFDP, die Abstammung bitte dazu erfragen. Unten ist die Abstammung von Willow vom Olendiek
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charming young stallions from 0.6 to 4 years old (most are 2 years old), as well as a licensed 14 year old Smoky Black stallion.
Pr. stallion Willow vom Olendiek, HB 1, HLP with 8,08
100cm Stkm at licensing, color Smoky Black, born 2010
for sale due to offspring, pure Shetland Pony/Partbred Shetland Pony bred, possibly also interesting for Classic Pony breeding as no silver gene. Willow has papers from the Hanover Pony Association, is licensed there and registered in HB 1.

4 year old German Partbred Shetland pony stallion in the color brownwind, possibly dun.
due to lack of time still completely raw, he knows foal ABC, (leading, hooves, daily handling is no problem) stands in original type, very calm, friendly character, well-behaved in handling, stkm. approx. 100cm.

3, 2 year old Tiger stallions, pure Partbred/ Shetland pony bred (without Welsh blood)
a) Finnick, chestnut-sheepdog-tiger, currently 105cm
b) Feivel, chestnut full tiger, currently approx. 102 cm stkm, possibly interesting for licensing
C) Watson, bay full tiger, lots of movement, currently approx. 100cm

2 year old German Partbred Shetl. Black (probably smoky black) would be a visual match for Willow v. Olendiek (grandpa) for driving.

2 year old KDP Palomino, approx. 101cm (sire Willow v Olendiek x Welsh A)

1 year old KDP chestnut, final size around 100cm, (sire; Willi Weitblick x Welsh A)

7th Dt Classic Pony, Rapptiger becomes gray, colt, final measurement over 1 meter, papers from Ponyverband Hannover. Very affectionate and good to handle, can be led well.

The young stallions are all still completely raw, stand in a herd, know open stabling and grazing, due to the mixed age in the herd they learn hierarchy and social contacts, the older ones educate the younger ones. They learn to adapt quickly and also learn very quickly how to handle them on a daily basis.
The younger stallions have ZFDP papers, please ask for their pedigree. Below is the pedigree of Willow vom Olendiek




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