PRE Mix Stallone 5 Anni 167 cm Grigio in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallone 5 Anni 167 cm Grigio in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallone 5 Anni 167 cm Grigio in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallone 5 Anni 167 cm Grigio in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallone 5 Anni 167 cm Grigio in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallone 5 Anni 167 cm Grigio in Sevilla

Wonderful and very barock stallion

Tipo di inserzione: Cavallo in vendita
ID dell'annuncio: 4195637
Data di pubblicazione: 30.08.2024
Annunci chiamata: 578
Annuncio annotato: 6
21.000 €
21.000 €
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Ulteriori informazioni

Dalla Spagna, barocchi cavalli di razza andalusa effettivamente chiamato Pura Raza Espanola, breve PRE, universalmente considerato come nobile, widerstandsfähgig, coraggioso e orientata alle persone. Il nome andaluso si applica ai cavalli con stranieri incroci di cavalli purosangue o Arabico. Cavall ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed PRE
5 Anni
167 cm
Tranquillo durante la ferratura
Tranquillo durante la ferratura
Passaporto equino disponibile
Senza eczema


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Wunderschöner und sehr barocker Hengst, er ist ein typisches spanisches Pferd... PRE mit vollen Papieren, 5,5 Jahre alt und 1.67cm.

Er ist APTO aber jungfräulich! Top Blutlinien.

Sein Charakter ist schön geeignet für Amateur.

Sein Niveau ist einfach geritten. Sicher und sehr bequem, sein Galopp ist wie ein Sofa.

Er ist piro FREE!!!
Wenn Sie mehr Informationen benötigen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte, wir werden Ihnen so schnell wie möglich antworten.
 Alexandra (+34) 657314412.

Wir organisieren Vetcheck, Transport.

Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das seit mehr als 15 Jahren im Bereich des Verkaufs tätig ist. Wir sind ein Team von hochprofessionellen und transparenten Menschen mit unseren Kunden.

Folgen Sie uns auf Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok und Youtube...Wir veröffentlichen jeden Tag Neuigkeiten, verpassen Sie sie nicht
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Wonderful and very barock stallion, he is a tipical spanish horse... PRE with full papers, 5,5years old and 1.67cm.

He is APTO but virgin! Top bloodlines.

His character is nice suitable for amateur.

His level is basic ridden. Safe and very comfortable, his canter like a sofa.

He is piro FREE!!
If you need more information please contact us, We will respond to you as soon as possible.
 Alexandra (+34) 657314412.

We organize vetcheck, transport.

We are a company that has been operating in the sales sector for more than 15 years. We are a team of highly professional and transparent people with our clients.

Follow- us on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and Youtube...We publish news every day, don't miss it
Wonderful and very barock stallion, he is a tipical spanish horse.. PRE with full papers, 5,5years old and 1.67cm. 

He is APTO but virgin!! Top bloodlines. 

His character is nice suitable for amateur.

His level is basic ridden. Safe and very confortable, his canter like a sofa. 

He is piro FREE!!
If you need more information please contact us, We will respond to you as soon as possible. 
 Alexandra (+34) 657314412. 

We organize vetcheck, transport. 

We are a company that has been operating in the sales sector for more than 15 years. We are a team of highly professional and transparent people with our clients.

Follow- us on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and Youtube..We publish news every day, don't miss it
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Underbar och mycket barock hingst, han är en typisk spansk häst ... PRE med fullständiga papper, 5,5 år gammal och 1.67cm.

Han är APTO men jungfru! Topp blodlinjer.

Hans karaktär är trevlig lämplig för amatör.

Hans nivå är grundläggande riden. Säker och mycket bekväm, hans galopp som en soffa.

Han är piro GRATIS !!!
Om du behöver mer information vänligen kontakta oss, vi kommer att svara dig så snart som möjligt.
 Alexandra (+34) 657314412.

Vi organiserar vetcheck, transport.

Vi är ett företag som har varit verksamt inom försäljningssektorn i mer än 15 år. Vi är ett team av mycket professionella och transparenta människor med våra kunder.

Följ oss på Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok och Youtube ... Vi publicerar nyheter varje dag, missa inte det


41006 Sevilla, Andalucia


Alex Andalusian Horses
41001 Sevilla
Homepage: alexmagichorse
Punti focali
Cavalli da dressage
Cavalli barocchi
Cavalli da concorso
Cavalli da corsa
Lavoro Equitation

Ulteriori informazioni

Alex Andalusian Horses - Your trusted agent to buy the horse of your dream

Trainer / Rider / Trainer / Internship
Follow-me on Instagram /Facebook/Tiktok and Youtube!

Dressage/High School Training/Liberty
Barock horse / Special Color / Foals


We have more 100 horses available in Spain !!We choose our horses in person
We organize vetcheck, transport and quarantine!!

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Alex Andalusian Horses
41001 Sevilla
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