PRE Mix Castrone 12 Anni 165 cm Grigio in brenthonne
1 Video
+4 Immagini

Cheval de St Georges maitre d'école

Tipo di inserzione: Cavallo in vendita
ID dell'annuncio: 4139571
Data di pubblicazione: 17.07.2024
Annunci chiamata: 845
Annuncio annotato: 3
20.000 € Fino a 40.000 €
20.000 € Fino a 40.000 €
Offerente base
74890 Brenthonne
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Ulteriori informazioni

Dalla Spagna, barocchi cavalli di razza andalusa effettivamente chiamato Pura Raza Espanola, breve PRE, universalmente considerato come nobile, widerstandsfähgig, coraggioso e orientata alle persone. Il nome andaluso si applica ai cavalli con stranieri incroci di cavalli purosangue o Arabico. Cavall ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed PRE
12 Anni
165 cm
Livello di formazione: Prix St Georges ~ Prix St Georges
Adatto come cavallo/pony da scuola
Adatto ai sentieri in natura
Tranquillo durante la ferratura
Disponibili esami di pre-acquisto
Esperienza di concorso
Tranquillo durante la ferratura
Passaporto equino disponibile
Senza eczema


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Ich habe mich in der Schule für die Schule beworben und war sehr zufrieden.

Ideal für junge Reiter oder Amateure, die Spaß haben wollen. Derzeit wird an der GP gearbeitet. Sehr einfach, geht alleine ausreiten, Tierarztbesuch abgeschlossen.

Charakter sehr einfach im Alltag. Lebt in einer Box / Nähe. Er hat bereits viele Turniere bestritten.

- Beherrscht Fußwechsel bis zum 2-Takt - Passage - Beginn der Piaffe - Zick-Zack-Trab/Galopp - Galopp und Trab drücken - Galopppirouette - Versammlungsschritt - Verlängerter Schritt

Gelding 12 Jahre alte Lehrerin, leichtes und bequemes Niveau.

Ideal für junge Reiter oder Amateure, die Spaß haben wollen. Derzeit auf dem Weg zum GP . Very easy, goes out alone on a walk, veterinary visit completed RAS .
Xray verfügbar

Very easy to use every day. Living box/ outdoor. Already many went out in competition, excellent behaviour .

- Flying changes easy - Passage - Start of piaf.

More videos available in Mp
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
12 year old gelding, schoolmaster, unwinds the st geoge, very easy and comfortable.

Ideal for young riders or amateurs looking for pleasure. Currently working towards GP. Very easy to ride, goes out on his own, complete vet check-up.

Very easy-going character. Lives in box / Near . Already numerous outings in competition, excellent behavior.

- Mastery of changes of foot up to 2 beats - Passage - Beginning of piaffe - Zig Zag trot / canter - Press at canter and trot - Pirouette at canter - Pas rassembler - Pas allongé

Gelding 12 years old teacher, easy and comfortable level.

Ideal for young rider or amateur wanting to have fun. Currently working towards the GP . Very easy, goes out alone on a walk, veterinary visit completed RAS .
Xray available

Very easy to use every day. Living box/ outdoor. Already many went out in competition, excellent behavior .

- Flying changes easy - Passage - Start of piaf.

More videos available in Mp
Hongre de 12 ans maitre d'école , déroule le st geoge , trés facile et confortable .

Idéal pour jeune cavalier ou amateur voulant se faire plaisir . Actuellement en cours de travail vers le GP . Trés facile , sort seul en ballade , visite vétérinaire compléte RAS .

Caractére trés facile au quotidien . Vit box / Près . Déja de nombreuses sortit en concours , excellent comportement .

- Maitrise les changements de pied jusqu'au 2 temps - Passage - Début de piaffer - Zig Zag trot / galop - Appuyer au galop et au trot - Pirouette au galop - Pas rassembler - Pas allongé

Gelding 12 years old teacher, easy and comfortable level.

Ideal for young rider or amateur wanting to have fun. Currently working towards the GP . Very easy, goes out alone on a walk, veterinary visit completed RAS .
Xray available

Very easy to use every day. Living box/ outdoor. Already many went out in competition, excellent behavior .

- Flying changes easy - Passage - Start of piaf.

More videos available in Mp


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74890 Brenthonne

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