Pony Islandese Castrone 2 Anni 135 cm Baio scuro in Carlisle, Ar
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+1 Immagini

Iclandic Garrano Gelding

Tipo di inserzione: Cavallo in vendita
ID dell'annuncio: 4131498
Data di pubblicazione: 12.07.2024
Annunci chiamata: 1117
Annuncio annotato: 1
4.500 $
~ 4.225 €
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Carlisle, Arkansas 72024
Stati Uniti
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Ulteriori informazioni

I purosangue millenari e le condizioni di vita difficili in Islanda hanno portato avanti un cavallo, che è fatta soprattutto di carattere: Cavalli Islanda vissero sempre vedere in associazioni grande mandria in Islanda. Emersero così fiduciosi animali con un comportamento sociale intatto che doveva ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed Pony Islandese
2 Anni
135 cm
Andature speciali
Cavallo da compagnia
Domato per lavoro da terra
Con cinque andature
Disponibili esami di pre-acquisto
Conducibile con la cavezza
Tranquillo durante la ferratura


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Dieses Pferd wurde als 1-jähriges Quarter Horse gekauft. Als die Zeit verging, wussten wir, dass es nicht von einem Quarter Horse abstammt. Wir schickten es vor ein paar Wochen zum DNA-Test und es kam zurück: 1. Das Pferd hat sehr schöne Gänge und wir haben es im Round Pen springen lassen. Das Pferd hat viel im Round Pen gearbeitet und wurde unter dem Sattel angeritten. Es hat ein sehr gutes Temperament. Es hat regelmäßige Hufbearbeitung ohne Probleme erhalten. 53" groß oder 14,3 Hände. Er ist ein wenig mehr als zwei Jahre alt. Coggins ist aktuell.
This horse was purchased as a 1-year-old quarter horse. As time passed we knew it was not quarter horse bred. We sent off for DNA a few weeks ago and it came back 1st-Iclandic, 2nd Garrano, 3rd- Hackney. The horse has very pretty gaits and we have had it jumping in the round pen. The horse has had lots of round pen work and started under saddle. He has a very good temperament. Has received regular hoof trimmings without any issues. 53" tall or 14.3 hands. He is a little over two years old. Coggins is current.


Carlisle, Ar 72024, Arkansas
Stati Uniti


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Carlisle, Arkansas 72024
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