Pony classico tedesco Castrone 9 Anni 148 cm Baio in Montigny-le-Bretonneux
Pony classico tedesco Castrone 9 Anni 148 cm Baio in Montigny-le-Bretonneux
Pony classico tedesco Castrone 9 Anni 148 cm Baio in Montigny-le-Bretonneux
Pony classico tedesco Castrone 9 Anni 148 cm Baio in Montigny-le-Bretonneux


Tipo di inserzione: Cavallo in vendita
ID dell'annuncio: 4182479
Data di pubblicazione: 20.08.2024
Annunci chiamata: 614
Annuncio annotato: 2
70.000 € Fino a 100.000 €
70.000 € Fino a 100.000 €
Offerente base
78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux
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Ulteriori informazioni

Fin dall'inizio del XXI secolo, c'è la nuova razza "Pony classico tedesco". Sul senso là i pony Shetland britannico all'americana sono stati attraversati nei pony Shetland primi degli Stati Uniti. Da ciò è sorto il pony Shetland americano classico. Dal 1960 che questi pony sono stati attraversati po ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed Pony classico tedesco
9 Anni
148 cm
Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Adatto ai sentieri in natura
Tranquillo durante la ferratura
Disponibili esami di pre-acquisto
Tranquillo durante la ferratura
Passaporto equino disponibile
Senza eczema


  • Inglese
  • Francese
  • Italiano
  • Polacco
  • Svedese
  • Olandese
  • Spagnolo
  • Tedesco
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Dante B Gelding 9 Jahre alt
westfälisch deitsches reitpony
1.48cm (FEI lifetime measuring certificate)

Landeschampion der 5-jährigen Dressurponys und Bronzemedaille bei den Westfälischen Meisterschaften als 6-Jähriger, qualifiziert für das Bundeschampionat beide Jahre.

-4. Platz in der Kür in Ornago für sein erstes Interational mit 70,43%.
-Teilnahme an der CDIOP in Le Mans.
-4. Platz bei den Französischen Meisterschaften
-Qualifikation für die Europameisterschaften 2023 (zweitbeste französische Leistung im Team-Test).

In 2024:
6. Platz in der CDIP von Le Mans im Team-Test mit 69,23%.
-9. und 10. Platz in Lier (mit 70,80% und 68,80%).
-Platz in der CDIP von Aachen und qualifiziert für die Freestyle (68,78% und 70,30%)
- CDIOP in Hagen
- Teilnahme an 2024 EC

X-rays ab Oktober 2022
Süßes und hübsches Pony, das viel Potenzial mit viel Raum für Verbesserungen hat.

Befindet sich in Frankreich, in der Nähe von Paris, Yvelines.
Avalaible jetzt
PM für weitere Informationen oder auf Wattsap +336 07 25 43 25
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Dante B Gelding 9 years old
westphalien deitsches reitpony
1.48cm (FEI lifetime measuring certificate)

State champion of 5 years old dressage ponies and bronze medal in the Westphalian Championships as a 6 years old, qualified for the Bundeschampionnat both years

In 2023:
-4th in the freestyle at Ornago for his first interational with 70,43%
-participation of the CDIOP in Le Mans
-4th at the French Championships
-qualification to the 2023 European Championships (2nd best French performance in the Team test)

In 2024:
-6th in the CDIP of Le Mans in the team test with 69,23%
-9th and 10h in Lier (with 70,80% and 68,80%)
-placed in the CDIP of Aachen and qualified for the freestyle (68,78% and 70,30%)
- CDIOP in Hagen
- Participation in 2024 EC

X-rays from October 2022
Sweet and nice pony with who has a lot of potential with considerable room for improvement.

Located in in France, near to Paris, Yvelines
Avalaible now
PM for more informations or on Wattsap +336 07 25 43 25
Dante B   Gelding   9 years old
westphalien deitsches reitpony
1.48cm (FEI lifetime measuring certificate)

State champion of 5 years old dressage ponies and bronze medal in the Westphalian Championships as a 6 years old, qualified for the Bundeschampionnat both years

In 2023:
-4th in the freestyle at Ornago for his first interational with 70,43%
-participation of the CDIOP in Le Mans
-4th at the French Championships
-qualification to the 2023 European Championships (2nd best French performance in the Team test)

In 2024:
-6th in the CDIP of Le Mans in the team test with 69,23%
-9th and 10h in Lier (with 70,80% and 68,80%)
-placed in the CDIP of Aachen and qualified for the freestyle (68,78% and 70,30%)
- CDIOP in Hagen
- Participation in 2024 EC

X-rays from October 2022 
Sweet and nice pony with who has a lot of potential with considerable room for improvement.

Located in in France, near to Paris, Yvelines
Avalaible now
PM for more informations or on Wattsap  +336 07 25 43 25




Offerente base
78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux

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