Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN
Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN
Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN
Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN
Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN
Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN
Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN
Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN
Paint Horse Castrone 8 Anni 152 cm Tovero-tutti i colori in Cannon Falls, MN



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SPOTS 8 Yr old 15hh Tovero Red Dun & White Paint Horse Gelding

Offerta all’asta
Needmore, PA 17238 Stati Uniti
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La razza di cavallo di vernice è rappresentata dalla "American Paint Horse Association" in Texas. Tuttavia, non sono razza separata nel senso tradizionale, ma in realtà Pezzati quarter horse, in linea di principio. Il motivo è che hanno la stessa ascendenza e l'origine come il cavallo quarto. Perciò ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed Paint Horse
8 Anni
152 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse
Monta Western

Cavallo da compagnia

Adatto ai sentieri in natura



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January ⭐️ All Star Lineup ⭐️ Happening now thru MONDAY | JANUARY 27TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Gabriel Murphy 320-339-1458
LOCATION: Cannon Falls, MN
BREED: Paint Horse
COLOR: Tovero red dun and white
HEIGHT: 15 hh
AGE: 8
GENDER: Gelding

“Spots” is an 8yr old red dun and white paint gelding that stands 15 hands tall with the coolest medicine cap you’ve ever seen! “Spots” is a trail master that has seen more country than most white tail deer. Point him in any direction and whatever crosses his path will be handled with ease. “Spots” possesses a nice, smooth neck rein and catches both leads in the arena. He’s a seasoned flag horse at the ropings and can handle even the most stressful situations. He’s also been on party play dates and loves to be showered with attention. Pull out a brush and he will lean in asking to be groomed all day long. Additionally, Spots has drug poles in the arena and sleds out in the snow. He is suitable for any level of rider, including those who consider themselves beginners. “Spots” is a horse that you will enjoy for years to come in any discipline you choose to pursue.
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January ⭐️ All Star Lineup ⭐️ En cours jusqu'au LUNDI | 27 JANVIER - Disponible EXCLUSIVEMENT sur le site de HorseBid.

Pour plus de détails et pour vous inscrire, visitez : www.Horsebid.com

CONTACT CONSIGNATEUR : Gabriel Murphy 320-339-1458
LOCATION : Cannon Falls, MN
RACE : Paint Horse
COULEUR : Tovero rouge dun et blanc
TAILLE : 15 hh
AGE : 8
GENRE : Hongre

"Spots" est un hongre de 8 ans, de couleur rouge et blanc, qui mesure 15 mains et qui porte le plus beau chapeau de médecine que vous ayez jamais vu ! "Spots est un maître des pistes qui a vu plus de pays que la plupart des cerfs à queue blanche. Pointez-le dans n'importe quelle direction et tout ce qui croise son chemin sera traité avec facilité. "Spots" possède une belle rêne d'encolure et attrape les deux rênes dans l'arène. C'est un cheval aguerri aux ropings et il peut gérer les situations les plus stressantes. Il a également participé à des soirées de jeux et adore recevoir de l'attention. Sortez une brosse et il se penchera pour demander à être toiletté toute la journée. En outre, Spots a des piquets de drogue dans l'arène et fait de la luge dans la neige. Il convient à tous les niveaux de cavaliers, y compris à ceux qui se considèrent comme des débutants. "Spots" est un cheval que vous apprécierez pendant des années, quelle que soit la discipline que vous choisirez.


Needmore, PA 17238
Stati Uniti
Homepage: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238
Stati Uniti

