Paint Horse Castrone 4 Anni 142 cm Pezzato in Fort worth Texas
Paint Horse Castrone 4 Anni 142 cm Pezzato in Fort worth Texas
Paint Horse Castrone 4 Anni 142 cm Pezzato in Fort worth Texas
Paint Horse Castrone 4 Anni 142 cm Pezzato in Fort worth Texas
Paint Horse Castrone 4 Anni 142 cm Pezzato in Fort worth Texas
Paint Horse Castrone 4 Anni 142 cm Pezzato in Fort worth Texas



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Aspen is a 7 year old APHA registered gelding.

4.000 $
~ 3.756 € Trattabile
Evelyn Charlotte
Signora Evelyn Charlotte
3555 3555 Dryden Rd,Fort Worth,TX 76109,USA
fort worth Texas 682 Stati Uniti
+1 (0)814... Visualizza



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La razza di cavallo di vernice è rappresentata dalla "American Paint Horse Association" in Texas. Tuttavia, non sono razza separata nel senso tradizionale, ma in realtà Pezzati quarter horse, in linea di principio. Il motivo è che hanno la stessa ascendenza e l'origine come il cavallo quarto. Perciò ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed Paint Horse
4 Anni
142 cm
English Pleasure
Concorso completo
American Paint Horse Verband


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osting for a Client  Super nice All Around Gelding

Aspen is a 7 year old APHA registered gelding. I have owned him for the last 3 years and have done everything from putting the saddle on to starting him on barrels. In 2021 we primarily did pleasure, trail riding, and obstacle courses to get the fundamentals down and start correctly. We then continued to start on barrels and attend fun shows. 
Aspen has a one of a kind personality. He will need a job, however he’s good at it all so you decide what that looks like. He loves to be right by your side no matter where you are and enjoys learning new tricks on the ground! 

Aspen is as stocky and beautiful as they come, I promise you will get comments on him wherever you go. This is not an easy choice for me so if you are not interested in giving him a forever home, don’t pm me  
Priced at lower XX,XXX
Located in forth worth Texas
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Recherche d'un client Superbe hongre polyvalent

Aspen est un hongre de 7 ans enregistré à l'APHA. Je le possède depuis 3 ans et j'ai tout fait, de la mise en selle à l'initiation aux barils. En 2021, nous avons principalement fait de l'équitation de loisir, de l'équitation de randonnée et des courses d'obstacles afin d'acquérir les bases et de commencer correctement. Nous avons ensuite continué à le faire débuter en barrels et à assister à des spectacles amusants.
Aspen a une personnalité unique. Il aura besoin d'un travail, mais il est bon dans tous les domaines et c'est à vous de décider à quoi cela ressemblera. Il aime être à vos côtés où que vous soyez et aime apprendre de nouveaux trucs au sol !

Aspen est aussi trapu et beau que possible, je vous promets que vous recevrez des commentaires sur lui partout où vous irez. Ce n'est pas un choix facile pour moi, donc si vous n'êtes pas intéressé à lui donner un foyer pour toujours, ne m'envoyez pas de message.
Prix à partir de XX,XXX
Situé à forth worth Texas


Evelyn Charlotte
Signora Evelyn Charlotte
3555 3555 Dryden Rd,Fort Worth,TX 76109,USA
fort worth Texas 682
Stati Uniti

Ulteriori informazioni

I have been riding for over 10 years, focusing mainly on show jumping. I have competed in several regional and national tournaments, placing in the top three multiple times. I currently own three horses, each with their own strengths in competition. Riding is my passion because it challenges me to constantly improve while building a strong bond with my horses.”

Feel free to customize it based on your own experience!

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Evelyn Charlotte
Signora Evelyn Charlotte
3555 3555 Dryden Rd,Fort Worth,TX 76109,USA
fort worth Texas 682
Stati Uniti

