Lipizzano Giumenta 4 Anni 150 cm Leardo in Aalter
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+6 Immagini

Young Lipizzan mare

Tipo di inserzione: Cavallo in vendita
ID dell'annuncio: 4137845
Data di pubblicazione: 16.07.2024
Annunci chiamata: 1294
Annuncio annotato: 8
6.000 €
6.000 €
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9880 9880 Aalter
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Ulteriori informazioni

Il Lipizzano porta il suo nome della Scuderia Lipica, il sito originale di allevamento dei lipizzani. Questo si trova in Slovenia, vicino al Mediterraneo Di solito viene al mondo il Lipizzano come stampo nato in nero appare dopo circa 10 anni in un bianco puro, è quindi chiamato muffa di latte. Poc ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed Lipizzano
4 Anni
150 cm
Conducibile con la cavezza
Senza eczema


  • Inglese
  • Olandese
  • Italiano
  • Polacco
  • Svedese
  • Spagnolo
  • Francese
  • Tedesco
Young Lipizzan mare. Fine in hand. Very well behaved, kind and respectful. Gives her feet willingly, is extremely eager to learn and seems to have a will to please. Really a top character. Has never been lame. Was allowed to grow up quietly with other horses but stayed in hand regularly. Not yet trained, she still needs to grow up a bit. We have gradually started training her but have waited with groundwork to spare her joints. Will make an ideal carriage or riding horse. Unfortunately, she has grown smaller than expected and is now 1m48 in height (both parents are 1m60), so she has remained a bit too small for us. Feel free to come and have a look, medical examination at buyer's expense. Photo's of parents available.
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Young Lipizzan mare. Fine in hand. Very well behaved, kind and respectful. Gives her feet willingly, is extremely eager to learn and seems to have a will to please. Really a top character. Has never been lame. Was allowed to grow up quietly with other horses but stayed in hand regularly. Not yet trained, she still needs to grow up a bit. We have gradually started training her but have waited with groundwork to spare her joints. Will make an ideal carriage or riding horse. Unfortunately, she has grown smaller than expected and is now 1m48 in height (both parents are 1m60), so she has remained a bit too small for us. Feel free to come and have a look, medical examination at buyer's expense. Photo's of parents available.
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Jonge lippizanermerrie. Fijn in de hand. Zeer braaf, vriendelijk en respectvol. Geeft gewillig haar voeten, is enorm leergierig en lijkt een will to please te hebben. Echt een top karakter. Is nooit kreupel geweest. Mocht rustig opgroeien met andere paarden maar bleef regelmatig aan de hand. Nog niet getraind, ze moet nog een beetje opgroeien. We zijn haar geleidelijk gaan trainen maar hebben gewacht met grondwerk om haar gewrichten te sparen. Zou een ideaal koets- of rijpaard zijn. Helaas is ze kleiner gegroeid dan verwacht en is nu 1m48 hoog (beide ouders zijn 1m60), dus ze is voor ons een beetje te klein gebleven. Kom gerust eens kijken, medisch onderzoek op kosten van de koper. Foto's van ouders beschikbaar.





9880 Aalter, Vlaanderen


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