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Bentley 16-hand, 5-year-old bay Friesian cross gelding

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Buckeye Acre FarmAzienda equestre
Ohio 44654 Stati Uniti
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Il grande e maestoso frisona provengono dalla provincia della Frisia nei Paesi Bassi. Royal case d'Europa molti anni, erano di casa signorile, ma fu abbandonata nel XIX secolo che l'allevamento di perle nere e i Frisoni è venuto fuori moda. Con solo quattro stalloni che sono stati lasciati, lui semb ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed Frisone / Frisone Occidentale
5 Anni
163 cm

Adatto per scopi terapeutici

Adatto per principianti

Adatto ai sentieri in natura


Tranquillo durante la ferratura

Tranquillo durante la ferratura

adatto ai bambini


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Bentley ist ein wahrhaft bemerkenswerter 16-händiger, 5-jähriger brauner Friesenwallach, der die perfekte Mischung aus Schönheit, Vielseitigkeit und Verlässlichkeit bietet. Bentley ist bekannt für sein ruhiges Verhalten und seinen ausgeglichenen Charakter. Er ist eine außergewöhnliche Wahl für Reiter aller Niveaus, egal ob Sie einen Trailpartner, ein sicheres Familienpferd oder einen selbstbewussten Begleiter in der Arena suchen. Bentley ist verkehrssicher und wurde ausgiebig auf Landstraßen und in unterschiedlichem Gelände, einschließlich Bachdurchquerungen, geritten. Seine Anpassungsfähigkeit zeigt sich sowohl auf Waldwegen als auch bei der Bewältigung von Wasserhindernissen oder beim Reiten in der Arena. Er wechselt mühelos zwischen verschiedenen Umgebungen und bietet seinem Reiter in jeder Situation ein sicheres Gefühl. Mit seinen drei unglaublich geschmeidigen Gängen bietet Bentley einen angenehmen und komfortablen Ritt. Besonders beeindruckend ist sein bergauf gerichteter Galopp, der Eleganz und Athletik für diejenigen vereint, die ein Pferd mit natürlicher Balance und Kadenz schätzen. Er reagiert auf Hilfen, ist aber dennoch fehlerverzeihend, so dass er für Anfänger geeignet ist, aber auch genug Raffinesse für fortgeschrittene Reiter bietet. Bentley wurde gründlich auf eine Reihe von Reizen desensibilisiert, darunter Planen, Krüge und Bälle, und beweist damit sein ruhiges Wesen und seine Bereitschaft, sich neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen. Er fühlt sich sowohl in der Halle als auch im Freien wohl, ganz gleich, ob Sie in einer belebten Scheune, auf weitläufigen Feldern oder auf einem ruhigen Einzelweg reiten. Im Stall ist es ein Vergnügen, mit Bentley umzugehen. Er hat ein freundliches, gelassenes Wesen und eine kooperative Einstellung, die ihn zum Liebling des Stallpersonals und der Besucher gleichermaßen macht. Bentley ist an allen vier Füßen beschlagen, um mit dem vielfältigen Gelände zurechtzukommen, an das er gewöhnt ist, aber er hat starke, gesunde Hufe, die auf Wunsch auch barfuß gehen können. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Pferd sind, das unübertroffene Sicherheit, Komfort und Vielseitigkeit bietet und dazu noch ein auffälliges Friesen-Kreuzungs-Aussehen hat, ist Bentley der richtige Partner für Sie. Er ist bereit, in jedem Programm zu brillieren oder ein geschätztes Mitglied Ihrer Familie zu werden. Wenn dies das Pferd ist, das Sie suchen, rufen Sie bitte Duane unter 330-231-2324 an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten oder einen Termin für eine persönliche Besichtigung zu vereinbaren.
Bentley is a truly remarkable 16-hand, 5-year-old bay Friesian cross gelding that offers the perfect blend of beauty, versatility, and dependability. Known for his calm demeanor and steady personality, Bentley is an exceptional choice for riders of all levels, whether you’re seeking a trail partner, a safe family horse, or a confident arena companion. Bentley is traffic safe and sound, having been ridden extensively on state roads and through various terrain, including creek crossings. His adaptability shines whether he’s navigating wooded trails, calmly handling water obstacles, or being ridden in an arena. He transitions effortlessly between environments, offering peace of mind to his rider no matter the situation. With three incredibly smooth gaits, Bentley provides an enjoyable and comfortable ride. His uphill canter is particularly impressive, combining elegance and athleticism for those who appreciate a horse with natural balance and cadence. He’s responsive to cues yet forgiving, making him suitable for beginners while still offering enough refinement for more advanced riders. Bentley has been thoroughly desensitized to a range of stimuli, including tarps, jugs, and balls, proving his steady nature and willingness to tackle new challenges. He thrives in both indoor and outdoor settings, whether you’re riding in a busy barn environment, wide-open fields, or on a quiet solo trail. In the barn, Bentley is a pleasure to handle. He has a friendly, easygoing disposition and a cooperative attitude that makes him a favorite among barn staff and visitors alike. Bentley is shod on all four feet to handle the diverse terrain he’s accustomed to, but he has strong, healthy hooves that can easily go barefoot if desired. If you’re looking for a horse that offers unmatched safety, comfort, and versatility with the added bonus of striking Friesian cross looks, Bentley is the partner for you. He’s ready to excel in any program or become a treasured member of your family. If this sound like the horse that you have been looking for, please feel free to call Duane @ 330-231-2324 for more info or to schedule a day to see him in person.
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Bentley è un castrone incrocio frisone baio di 5 anni, a 16 mani, che offre una miscela perfetta di bellezza, versatilità e affidabilità. Conosciuto per il suo comportamento calmo e la sua personalità ferma, Bentley è una scelta eccezionale per i cavalieri di tutti i livelli, sia che stiate cercando un compagno di percorso, un cavallo sicuro per la famiglia o un compagno sicuro per l'arena. Bentley è sicuro e sano nel traffico, essendo stato cavalcato a lungo su strade statali e attraverso vari terreni, compresi gli attraversamenti di torrenti. La sua adattabilità brilla sia che si tratti di percorrere sentieri boscosi, di gestire con calma ostacoli d'acqua o di essere cavalcato in un'arena. Passa con disinvoltura da un ambiente all'altro, offrendo tranquillità al suo cavaliere in qualsiasi situazione. Con tre andature incredibilmente fluide, Bentley offre una cavalcata piacevole e confortevole. Il suo canter in salita è particolarmente impressionante e combina eleganza e atletismo per coloro che apprezzano un cavallo con equilibrio e cadenza naturali. È reattivo ai comandi ma indulgente, il che lo rende adatto ai principianti, pur offrendo sufficiente raffinatezza ai cavalieri più esperti. Bentley è stato accuratamente desensibilizzato a una serie di stimoli, tra cui teloni, brocche e palline, dimostrando la sua natura ferma e la volontà di affrontare nuove sfide. È molto bravo sia al chiuso che all'aperto, sia che si tratti di cavalcare in una stalla affollata, in campi aperti o in un tranquillo percorso in solitaria. Nella stalla, Bentley è un piacere da gestire. Ha un carattere amichevole e disinvolto e un atteggiamento collaborativo che lo rende il preferito dal personale della stalla e dai visitatori. Bentley è ferrato su tutti e quattro i piedi per gestire i diversi terreni a cui è abituato, ma ha zoccoli forti e sani che possono essere facilmente scalzati se lo si desidera. Se siete alla ricerca di un cavallo che offra sicurezza, comfort e versatilità ineguagliabili, con l'aggiunta di un aspetto sorprendente da incrocio frisone, Bentley è il partner che fa per voi. È pronto a eccellere in qualsiasi programma o a diventare un membro prezioso della vostra famiglia. Se questo vi sembra il cavallo che stavate cercando, non esitate a chiamare Duane al 330-231-2324 per maggiori informazioni o per fissare un giorno per vederlo di persona.


Buckeye Acre Farm
Azienda equestre
Ohio 44654
Stati Uniti
9 Mostra numero di telefono
Punti focali
Cavalli da dressage
Cavalli da carrozza
Cavalli per ricreazione
Cavalli da salto ostacoli
Monta Western
Versatility Ranch Horse
Monta americana tuttofare
American Quarter Horse
Draft Horse
Cob Irlandese / Tinker / Gypsy Vanner

Ulteriori informazioni

I started my journey in the horse industry in 1995 when I purchased my very first pony at 11 years old. I spent an entire year devoted to training, riding,, and teaching him fun tricks like laying down, sitting, and bowing. I sold him later that year; the feeling of providing a well trained, well behaved, horse was so rewarding that I felt I wanted to continue to share my gift. In 2007, I married my awesome wife Miriam, and we have been blessed with six incredible children (two daughters and four sons) that participate daily with the operation of the farm. What started as myself and a dream has become the full time commitment of my family, and ten employees. The opportunity to share our horsemanship has been so rewarding. In kind, we have been so blessed to learn from professional experts and knowledgeable friends that have voluntarily poured into us their invaluable years of knowledge.

Our program has developed, changed, and grown along the way to ensure that we are producing a quality horse that we know we can stand behind. We start by carefully evaluating each horse before purchase. We specialize in quality quarter horses, draft crosses, and also Friesian and Gypsy crosses, from performance to trail riding to leisure. 

After selection, we take the horse through our groundwork program to get connected with them as individuals. We take them through obstacles and trail ride them, exposing them to anything they may ever encounter.

Then, we give the horses a break for up to one month. This allows us to see how the training will stick with them. If they come back in the same place they were before the break we know they are ready to move through the rest of the program and become finished Buckeye Acre Farm horses, learning all of the fun crowd pleasing tricks. We feel we have one of the best soundness guarantees in the business, and we will stand behind that.

This has been an awesome journey, and God continues to bless and humble us each and every day. All of us, from our children to our employees, want to provide the best quality horses that you and your families will enjoy for years to come. Over the years we have experienced that the horse market changes, but also that a quality horse is always in high demand. If you see a horse that meets your needs, please reach out to us. I look forward to your call, and to speaking with you personally about your next equine partner. 

May God bless your day.

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Buckeye Acre Farm
Azienda equestre
Ohio 44654
Stati Uniti
9 Mostra numero di telefono

