Cavallo in miniatura americano Giumenta 12 Anni 104 cm Baio in Veerle
Cavallo in miniatura americano Giumenta 12 Anni 104 cm Baio in Veerle
Cavallo in miniatura americano Giumenta 12 Anni 104 cm Baio in Veerle
Cavallo in miniatura americano Giumenta 12 Anni 104 cm Baio in Veerle
Cavallo in miniatura americano Giumenta 12 Anni 104 cm Baio in Veerle



Segnato 8 volte

2 amhr/aspc mares looking for new home

4.500 €
4.500 €
Offerente base
2431 Veerle



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Ulteriori informazioni

Il cavallo miniatura americano si basa su un cavallo in miniatura, che è stato inizialmente sviluppato nel XVI secolo per l'aristocrazia europea. Per uscire dalla aristocrazia i pony erano utilizzati nel settore minerario e incrociati per questi scopi con i pony Shetland. I rappresentanti di questa ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed Cavallo in miniatura americano
12 Anni
104 cm


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Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Wir werden einige harte Entscheidungen treffen müssen.

2 unserer geliebten Stuten sind auf der Suche nach einem neuen Zuhause.

Strasslein Red E For Love
Braune AMHR/ASPC Stute 2013
Love ist ein sehr süßes und sehr schönes Mädchen. Sie hat HOF-Blutlinien auf Vater- und Mutterseite wie, B&L's Rock E Red Alert, Wall Street The Admiral Lambee Pie. Double Bar-G's Rock E gezüchtet. 4500euros

Buckeye WCF Klassisch Ich Glaube
Silber geschecktes Scheckvieh AMHR/aspc Stute 2009
Classy ist ein sehr liebes Mädchen, aber bei neuen Menschen etwas zurückhaltend. Als Zuchtstute braucht sie keine Vorstellung. Sie hat mehrere Grand und Supreme Champions hervorgebracht. 3000euro

 Wenn Sie interessiert sind, schicken Sie uns einfach eine Nachricht, was Sie zu bieten haben. Sie gehen nicht umsonst, wir kennen ihren Wert.
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
We are going to take some hard decissions.

2 of our beloved mares are searching for a new home.

Strasslein Red E For Love
Bay AMHR/ASPC mare 2013
Love is a very sweet and very beautiful girl. She has HOF bloodlines on sire and dam side like, B&L's Rock E Red Alert, Wall Street The Admiral Lambee Pie. Double Bar-G's Rock E bred. 4500euros

Buckeye WCF Classical I Believe
Silver dapple pinto AMHR/aspc Mare 2009
Classy is a very lovely girl, but with new people a bit reserved. She needs no introduction as a breeding mare. She has given multiple Grand and Supreme champions. 3000euros

 If you are interested just send a message what you have to offer them. They are not going for nothing, we know their value.
We are going to take some hard decissions. 

2 of our beloved mares are searching for a new home. 

Strasslein Red E For Love
Bay AMHR/ASPC mare 2013
Love is a very sweet and very beautiful girl. She has HOF bloodlines on sire and dam side like, B&L's Rock E Red Alert, Wall Street The Admiral Lambee Pie. Double Bar-G's Rock E bred. 4500euro

Buckeye WCF Classical I Believe
Silver dapple pinto AMHR/aspc Mare 2009
Classy is a very lovely girl, but with new people a bit reserved. She needs no introduction as a breeding mare. She has given multiple Grand and Supreme champions. 3000euro

 If you are interested just send a message what you have to offer them. They are not going for nothing, we know their value.
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Podejmiemy kilka trudnych decyzji.

2 z naszych ukochanych klaczy szukają nowego domu.

Strasslein Red E For Love
Bay AMHR/ASPC klacz 2013
Love jest bardzo słodką i piękną dziewczyną. Ma krew HOF po stronie ojca i matki, taką jak B&L's Rock E Red Alert, Wall Street The Admiral Lambee Pie. Wyhodowana przez Double Bar-G's Rock E. 4500euros

Buckeye WCF Classical I Believe
Silver dapple pinto AMHR/aspc Mare 2009
Classy jest bardzo uroczą dziewczyną, ale w stosunku do nowych ludzi nieco powściągliwą. Nie trzeba jej przedstawiać jako klaczy hodowlanej. Dała wiele czempionów Grand i Supreme. 3000euro

 Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, po prostu wyślij wiadomość, co masz im do zaoferowania. Nie idą za darmo, znamy ich wartość.


Offerente base
2431 Veerle

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Offerente base
2431 Veerle

