American Quarter Horse Giumenta 4 Anni 150 cm Palomino in Moordrecht

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Awesome 4yo AQHA & APHA reining mare, ready to show!

55 €
55 €
Offerente base
2841LD Moordrecht
Paesi Bassi
+31 (0)63... Visualizza



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Ulteriori informazioni

Il cavallo quarto americano, chiamato anche cavallo quarto, ha avuto origine negli Stati Uniti ed è la razza più comune del cavallo nel mondo. Ci sono registrati quarter horse 4,6 milioni in tutto il mondo circa. La razza ha avuto origine nel XVII secolo, quando ricca fioriera da Virginia e Carolina ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed American Quarter Horse
4 Anni
150 cm
Monta americana tuttofare
Monta Western

Cavallo da compagnia

Fattrice da allevamento registrata

Adatto come cavallo/pony da scuola

Adatto per scopi terapeutici

Adatto per principianti

Addestrato alla lunghina

Con contratto di protezione

Domato per lavoro da terra


Tranquillo durante la ferratura

5 Panel Test N/N

Esperienza di concorso

Conducibile con la cavezza

Tranquillo durante la ferratura

Passaporto equino disponibile

Senza eczema



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Super süße 4yo (2021) Palomino Stute!
Vollständig Reining ausgebildet, kann alle Manöver sehr gut.
L1-L4 non pro/L1-L2 offenes Pferd.
Wurde zu Shows gezogen und geritten. Sie hat das wirklich gut gemacht.
Bezahlt für große Veranstaltungen
Gesund und 5 Panel NN
AQHA & APHA Papiere
Vater: Guns R For Shootin (Gunner)
Mutter: Frozen Sparklena (Frozen Sailor)
Auch geeignet für - Ranch Riding - All-round - Trail Rides - Familienpferd, sie ist selbstbewusst und kann alles machen.
Sie kann auch von weniger erfahrenen Reitern geritten werden.
Höhere Möhren
Vollständige Videos verfügbar
Auch super als Zuchtstute nach ihrer Showkarriere.
Standort Moordrecht Niederlande.
Senden Sie eine Nachricht für weitere Informationen 0031 630820010.

Längerer Text;
Wir haben beschlossen, ein neues Zuhause für RTR Gun For Cookies zu finden.
Cookie ist eine sehr süße und gut erzogene 2021 (4yo) AQHA & APHA Stute.
Sie ist voll Reining ausgebildet und kann alle Manöver sehr gut.
Sie wäre ein tolles L1-L4 non pro/L1-L2 open Pferd.
Bezahlt für große Veranstaltungen.
Cookie würde auch wirklich genießen Ranch Klassen und Trail Rides.
Sie wurde schon zu Shows gefahren und geritten. Das hat sie wirklich gut gemacht.
Vater: Guns R For Shootin (Gunner)
Mutter: Frozen Sparklena (Frozen Sailor)
Cookie ist sehr gut erzogen mit dem Tierarzt, Hufschmied, Zahnarzt und Anhängerverladung.
Keine Stall-Laster.
Cookie ist 5 Panel N/N.
Würde sich nach ihrer Showkarriere auch hervorragend als Zuchtstute eignen.
Höhere Preiskategorie (der Preis, der in dieser Anzeige angegeben ist, ist natürlich nicht der wirkliche Preis, aber ich muss ja etwas angeben).
Bitte senden Sie mir eine Nachricht (0031630820010) für weitere Informationen und Preis.
Befindet sich in den Niederlanden Moordrecht.
Video's verfügbar.
Questo testo è stato tradotto automaticamente.
Super sweet 4yo (2021) palomino mare!
Fully reining trained, can do all the manouvres very well.
L1-L4 non pro/L1-L2 open horse.
Hauled to shows and ridden around. She did this really good.
Paid in for major events
Healty and 5 panel NN
AQHA & APHA papers
Sire: Guns R For Shootin (Gunner)
Dam: Frozen Sparklena (Frozen Sailor)
Also great for - Ranch Riding - Allround - Trail rides - Family horse, she is confident and could do it all.
She can also be ridden by a less experienced rider
Higher carrots
Full videos available
Also awesome as broodmare after her showcareer.
Location Moordrecht Netherlands.
Send a message for more info 0031 630820010.

Longer text;
We decided to find a new home for RTR Gun For Cookies .
Cookie is a very sweet and well mannered 2021 (4yo) AQHA & APHA mare.
She is fully reining trained and can do all the manouvres really well.
She would be a great L1-L4 non pro/L1-L2 open horse.
Paid in for major events.
Cookie would also really enjoy ranch classes and trail rides.
She has been hauled to shows and ridden around. She did this really good.
Sire: Guns R For Shootin (Gunner)
Dam: Frozen Sparklena (Frozen Sailor)
Cookie is very well mannared with the vet, farrier, dentist and trailer loading.
No stable Vices.
Cookie is 5 panel N/N.
Would also be awesome as a broodmare after her showcareer.
Higher price category (price listed with this advertisement is offcourse not the real price but I have to put something there).
Please send me a message (0031630820010) for more info and price.
Located in the Netherlands Moordrecht.
Video's available.
Super sweet 4yo (2021) palomino mare! 
Fully reining trained, can do all the manouvres very well. 
L1-L4 non pro/L1-L2 open horse.
Hauled to shows and ridden around. She did this really good.
Paid in for major events
Healty and 5 panel NN
AQHA & APHA papers
Sire: Guns R For Shootin (Gunner)
Dam: Frozen Sparklena (Frozen Sailor)
Also great for - Ranch Riding - Allround - Trail rides - Family horse, she is confident and could do it all.
She can also be ridden by a less experienced rider
Higher carrots
Full videos available
Also awesome as broodmare after her showcareer.
Location Moordrecht Netherlands.
Send a message for more info 0031 630820010. 

Longer text;
We decided to find a new home for RTR Gun For Cookies . 
Cookie is a very sweet and well mannered 2021 (4yo) AQHA & APHA mare. 
She is fully reining trained and can do all the manouvres really well.
She would be a great L1-L4 non pro/L1-L2 open horse.
Paid in for major events.
Cookie would also really enjoy ranch classes and trail rides. 
She has been hauled to shows and ridden around. She did this really good.
Sire: Guns R For Shootin (Gunner)
Dam: Frozen Sparklena (Frozen Sailor)
Cookie is very well mannared with the vet, farrier, dentist and trailer loading. 
No stable Vices.
Cookie is 5 panel N/N.
Would also be awesome as a broodmare after her showcareer.
Higher price category (price listed with this advertisement is offcourse not the real price but I have to put something there). 
Please send me a message (0031630820010) for more info and price.
Located in the Netherlands Moordrecht.
Video's available.


Guns R For Shootin
Frozen Sparklena
Frozen Sailor


Offerente base
2841LD Moordrecht
Paesi Bassi

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Offerente base
2841LD Moordrecht
Paesi Bassi

