American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ
American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ
American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ
American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ
American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ
American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ
American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ
American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ
American Quarter Horse Castrone 6 Anni 150 cm Falbo in Camp Verde, AZ



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Cuervo 6 Yr old 14.3hh Dun Quarter Horse Gelding

Offerta all’asta
Needmore, PA 17238 Stati Uniti
+1 (0)717... Visualizza



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Il cavallo quarto americano, chiamato anche cavallo quarto, ha avuto origine negli Stati Uniti ed è la razza più comune del cavallo nel mondo. Ci sono registrati quarter horse 4,6 milioni in tutto il mondo circa. La razza ha avuto origine nel XVII secolo, quando ricca fioriera da Virginia e Carolina ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed American Quarter Horse
6 Anni
150 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse
Monta Western

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March RIDER'S ♦️ CHOICE ‍♦️ Happening now thru MONDAY | MARCH 10TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Nadya Crain 951-531-4346
LOCATION:  Camp Verde, AZ
BREED:  Quarter horse
COLOR:  Dunn
HEIGHT:  14.3
AGE:  6
GENDER:  Gelding

If you’re looking for a stunning gelding that you want to get noticed on, just look at Cuervo. Cuervo has a beautiful slick Dunn coat, clean legs, and is drop dead gorgeous! 
   Cuervo is the definition of well rounded! He was started as a reiner in his 3 year old year. He has a smooth trot and lope, he is one hand broke and rides with a beautiful headset. Cuervo not only knows how to use his body correctly but he also has a beautiful turn around. He will make his average rider look like a pro!!! Just set your reins down and use your leg and he will make you look like you’re in the show ring!! 
  Cuervo is one of my favorite horses to ride! He would excel in any discipline and will be a winner in any show format you put him in! Cuervo has been over cross rails and would look great in an equation class! 
   Cuervo is as athletic as one comes, he is loping the barrel pattern, and has gone through some low level ranch, trail courses. He has a beautiful floaty trot and lope. Cuervo is a finished ranch horse and is as versatile as one comes, you can rely on Cuervo to go brand, doctor or work a cow. 
    Cuervo is an exceptional, once in a life time horse! He has been ridden all over the rough country of Arizona and has been ridden all over town. He is great with busy traffic, trash trucks, scary mountain bikes and flying bags. 
   If you’re looking for your next heart horse that will take care of the whole family don’t miss out on Cuervo. He is 100% sound and safe for anyone! He ties, clips, and loads in a trailer like a dream. He will stand quiet for the farrier.


Needmore, PA 17238
Stati Uniti
Homepage: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238
Stati Uniti

