American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO
American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO
American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO
American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO
American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO
American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO
American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO
American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO
American Quarter Horse Castrone 11 Anni 150 cm Baio ciliegia in Kansas City, MO



Segnato 1 volte

SOLDIER 11 Yr old 14.3hh Bay Quarter Horse Gelding

Offerta all’asta
Needmore, PA 17238 Stati Uniti
+1 (0)717... Visualizza



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Il cavallo quarto americano, chiamato anche cavallo quarto, ha avuto origine negli Stati Uniti ed è la razza più comune del cavallo nel mondo. Ci sono registrati quarter horse 4,6 milioni in tutto il mondo circa. La razza ha avuto origine nel XVII secolo, quando ricca fioriera da Virginia e Carolina ... Maggiori informazioni su horse breed American Quarter Horse
11 Anni
150 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse
Monta Western

Cavallo da compagnia

Adatto ai sentieri in natura



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❤️‍ Be Mine SELECT ❤️‍ Happening now thru MONDAY | FEBRUARY 10TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Amye Donaldson 308-380-2244
LOCATION: Kansas City MO
BREED: Quarter Horse
HEIGHT: 14.3
AGE: 11
GENDER: Gelding

Soldier has been a working ranch horse and has earned an honest living his whole life. He is a simple gelding to ride that will do what is asked every time. Get the cows, cross the river, head up the mountain, or ride the rugged hills alone all day. His answer is always, yessir! You can trust Soldier to go exactly where he is pointed and be unconcerned with distractions: like unexpected deer in the woods, fast moving traffic, barking dogs or other horses calling out to him. He is not gate sour and certainly not barn sour.
Soldier will stay on task. He is all business. You can trust him. He is bay. He is not a fancy show pony. He’s a grunt. He takes orders and he doesn’t question why. If you want to ride the rugged mountain trails, you can trust him because he knows where his feet are and he is not in a hurry. If you want to go sort pairs or spend Saturday night team sorting with your buddies— take the horse that says yessir and is happy to handle the job at hand.
Soldier is built like you want a ranch horse to be— solid. He is correct and has good feet and big bone. Soldier also has a kind eye and the kind of withers that will keep your saddle in the middle even when the cinch is loose.
What else can we say about this good soldier? His name says it all. Soldier. He has served well and will continue to do so.
Watch his video. Call and talk about him. Come ride him. He won’t let you down. He is above all else, a good Soldier.


Needmore, PA 17238
Stati Uniti
Homepage: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238
Stati Uniti

